Mam: Pregnant 26 weeks (Baby 24 weeks)

As baby grows, he’ll push up on your rib cage a bit, causing some rib pain, indigestion and heartburn

Mother at approximately 26 weeks gestation

Your baby moves pretty constantly now. As baby grows, he’ll push up on your rib cage a bit, causing some rib pain, indigestion and heartburn. Talk to your doctor or midwife about easing these symptoms. Stitch-like pains in your abdominal sides are also common as your uterus stretches. Fun, quiet time for mam, and discussing with dad about your baby’s future will put all these annoyances in perspective.[1]

You're two-thirds of the way through your pregnancy and your uterus is about two and a half inches above your belly button. You will notice your belly button is now protruding out because your enlarging uterus swells enough to push your abdomen forward, making your navel pop out. Your belly button should revert back to its regular position a few months after delivery — (though it may have that stretched-out, "lived in" look). Well, at least you get a chance to clean it properly!

You might be having trouble sleeping at night as it can be uncomfortable moving around and unexpected trips to the bathroom. Pregnancy cushions help while sleeping, stick one between your knees for comfort!

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