Baby: Week 10

Your reflexes are becoming more honed, as synapses develop in your brain.

Human embryo 10 weeks from conception. Photo credit - Getty Images

You’re about 5.4cm long from crown to rump and weigh slightly less than 14g.

Your reflexes are becoming more honed, as synapses develop in your brain. If your mother pokes her belly, you will squirm! You can curl your toes, make a fist, and squint your eye muscles. Your eyes and ears are moving toward their final positions. Your liver is making bile and your kidneys are secreting urine – your foetal urine is mainly made up of amniotic fluid, which you have swallowed in the womb.[1]

Your digestive system is beginning to practice contraction movements necessary for eating, and your bone marrow is busy making white blood cells, which are critical to a healthy immune system outside the womb.  

And, believe it or not, you’re getting ready to have babies of your own someday! Reproductive hormones are now forming in the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.[2]

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