Baby: Week 27

Your skeleton is hardening, and the muscles and lungs are all maturing.

Your weighing in at 1kg and measuring about 39cm from head to toe. Amazingly, reproductive organs are being completed now, even before birth!  A boy’s testicles have descended; a baby girl’s clitoris is formed but not yet covered by the outer folds of skin. 

Meanwhile, at the upper end of your body, your brain is filling out! Your skeleton is hardening, and the muscles and lungs are all maturing. 

Over the next 11 weeks, You will double — or even come close to tripling — your weight.[1] With all this growth, your nutritional needs reach their peak during the third trimester. Mothers must have plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium (about 200mg is deposited into your small skeleton every day).[2]

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